Sunday, November 16, 2008


I can't believe that it is Sunday already but it is and I am ready to worship!! On Sunday morning I bounce around with anticipitation for church I kow that I will be closer to the Lord on Sunday than anyother day. When I am at church the devil can't get anywhere close to me it is like there is a big wall around me that only God can penetrate. I love the music that we are allowd to sing now, don't get me wrong the old hymns are wonderful but for this "baby boomer" the upbeat worship is much more meaniful.
I titled this surprises because my week has been full of surprises the biggest is the surprise my mom and I gave my sister in Ashland,Ohio Friday night. See Sis turned 35 on the 14th and I think mom was missing her as much as she was missing mom. So we took off after I got off work Friday and headed to Ashland. Her youngest Blade was the first to see the car but didn't recognize it cause mom had gotten a new one. When we got to the door and he opened it he yelled Aunt Jean!!! Grandma!!!! my baby sister turned from her computer and with sheer surprise yelled MOMMY!!!! It was such a joy to see this and once again feel the love of family. I am writing this through teary eyes as I remember how much bigger my family used to be and how quickly it can change, so driving 3 1/2 hours for a hug and a smile is worth every min. of the drive. Another surprise was ice on the road! I am not ready for this weather and as we were driving home we were in rain, and snow and slush and then all of the sudden the road was ICE! I was so thankful that my guardian angels were on duty because at one point all I could see was mom's new car going across the median !!!! But just as we hit the edge of the road the car gently came back and somehow got back over in the lane of traffic that was not iced up!! I looked behind me and the car following us was doing the exact same thing!! Mom doesn't know how weak my knees were at that moment but God was there as he is everytime I start slipping and sliding. Someone told me this week that they could see God shine through me, that has been my prayer for a long time that when I meet someone they will see Jesus through me. Now I know that he is working in and through me, what a great feeling that is.
Well it's time to get ready for worship and an exciting day. It's SUNDAY =:)

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