Monday, September 14, 2009

A Time for Change?

It is September not one of my favorite times of the year because I know when school starts and the days begin to cool off that winter is on it's way. Fall is beautiful with the changing colors of the landscape and I got to thinking this morning that there are some things in my life that need some changing so I am setting some goals. Some of these will be noticeable to anyone who is around me especially those in Wed. night weight loss class. All summer long I have been a slacker, we have been doing so many fun things that I let the exercise and good eating slip into non existence, anyone else guilty? The scales and my clothes are giving me a good hint that I better get back on the band wagon. I finally got back to church too it is so easy to place the importance of other things or people before God and that too is not a good thing, so I told my special someone that I was going back to church be it in Farmland or Anderson, I miss the fellowship and the messages from God that Sunday morning brings. I am praying for no distractions in church, it is so easy to watch those around us and miss what God has for us.
In my devotions this morning the author was talking about setting a goal to beat your record, it is much easier to focus on just one thing and beating that record (goal) than it is to look at a big picture. We don't reach our goal on the first day of practice, it takes lots of patience and practice, a couple of stumbles and maybe even a fall but with perseverance we can arrive! So today it is one step at a time. Oh by the way I did start yesterday learning to ride a passenger on my motorcycle! Steven was brave enough to jump on the back and we drove around a country mile and I didn't spill him or the bike Thanks Steven!!!!