Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

Lots of things running around in my mind today.
Smart machines at Curves -those machines work me to death!!! At the end I had burned up 484 calories, maxed out all my muscles and had 0 energy left. I didn't need the computer to tell me that!! Good thing is I am doing it right oh yes and I lost 3 pounds this week!!
It's cold outside- I used to love the snow and cold but something happened when I hit 50 cold just doesn't get it anymore and while snow is pretty they can keep it up north!
Sunday was just as wonderful as I expected- The music was energizing, PK's message was thought provoking to say the least. Then off to Muncie with a friend to see the movie Fireproof what a wonderful movie well worth seeing more than time. The off for some early dinner/late lunch at Bob Evans they have some really great comfort food!!
I got flowers this weekend! So nice to have pretty live flowers in the cold winter. Thank you Tom.
I can't believe it is Wed. already I haven't gotten nearly everything done at work that should be done by this time. I have news letters to run, fold and mail. Hope I can get some volunteers for this big job, got the bulletin to print and fold. OH YES this week is Payday!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't tell I'm excited about that can you?!?!?!?!
Through all that has been going on this week I have still had time to sit and listen to God, through music and through my Tuesday night growth group. These girls are really loosing up and asking some deep questions. I thought about how God has taken me down paths that I did not want to go and definitely would not have chosen on my own. But by traveling these roads I have learned so much especially about God's love for me. I see the picture of the Footprints in the Sand and realize that he is carrying me most of the time. Will I ever be able to walk along side of my Lord? I don't know if I will here on earth but I know I will when I get to heaven. Will I ever stand on my own two feet or am I supposed to? I don't know, I have so many questions of Why? How? When? Am I asking too many questions Lord? Best thing about it is that he never gets angry at me for asking the questions even the same ones over and over, it's a good thing he has more patience than I had with my girls!
Well I think it is time for jammies and a caffeine free diet Pepsi. I just talked to Parker and he was eating a chocolate fudge pop tart! doesn't that sound good?!?! Nite All

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