Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Thanksgiving

I don't know what I am thinkinging half of the time when my grandkids and nieces and nephews
attatck me! I can't say no to them, so my weekend was spent with 9 kids ages 7 to 15 eating, playing and sleeping at my house! The first few pictures are bedtime which didn't happen Friday night till 1 am Sat. morning and Sat. not till 11pm. The two oldest girls were the lucky ones cause after all, girls need their space! so they got the extra bedroom.

One boy in the recliner, one girl on the couch,

Lets see there is one boy waaaaaaaaay over there on the loveseat, then a lounge chair held another boy, then 2 cots one boy one girl, then the blow up mattress for the oldest boy! You had to step very carefully in my living room.

The next few pictures are the kids bringing wood to the house and raking leaves. I told them they were earning their dinner.!!

This is my adopted granddaughter She is really my daughter's niece but since I am grandma to everyone else so what is one more!! Isn't she precious?
Finally this is my daughter all dressed to ride the motorcycle in UC's parade of lights Friday night. I was a bit jealous as I would love to have been on the back of that bike!!

I also got to spend some time with Glen's sisters and their husbands we celebrated Jo's birthday late and mine early. It was fun catching up with them finding out about their grandkids and them asking about my dating life which is pretty much no existent at this point!! We laughed about that and lots of memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas past.
Sunday morning topped the weekend off getting 9 kids ready for church then my sister and husband came and we all went to my church all 13 of us!! They are all now delivered home and I am catching up on things here. My Michigan daughter got a web cam this week so yesterday and today I was on my laptop watching my grandkids up there, sure helps missing them so much. We still have some bugs to work out but it will come. Oh yes! the older kids set me up with a MySpace page!!! I have absoultely no idea what I am doing but it was fun watching them do things and making fun of me for being so dumb!!!! What a fun time.
I love family and I am so glad that God allowed me to be a daughter, mom, sister,sister-in-law, grandma and aunt. There is just nothing like the blessings of having those you love around you laughing and sharing the bounty and blessings from God. Can you hear anything? Do you hear the silence? There is no one here but me and the animnals but you know what I am not alone. I am okay with that right now, I can hear Jesus when he wants to talk to me now. I will listen for his voice in the quietness and know that all is well, he has it all under controll.
Until later have a great week!

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