Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vacation and other stuff

Grandchildren, aren't they great? I spent Labor Day weekend with my Michigan kids and had a wonderful time. We went to an arts and crafts festival in Harrisville MI, went to the beach on lake Huron (we all forgot our cameras for this trip), roasted marshmallows in the back yard, took walks, ate,went to the grocery and ate, cuddled on the couch for cartoons and ate!!! Did I mention we ate? Both of my girls are wonderful cooks and since I don't cook much for myself (cooking for one is not fun) the home cooked meals were a treat, and I didn't gain a pound,didn't loose any either!! The kids live in a little town called Lincoln MI in one of the poorest counties in MI but you couldn't tell it. The little town is clean and busy. They are on the edge of one of MI national forests and we had the opportunity to drive through that forest at 11 pm, not a fun thing to do at that time of night!! The road was hilly, curvy and foggy! I know my guardian angels were with us because there were times when I could not see the road and sometimes the road just turned with little warning! The kids love living up there and have told me if they ever get to build their dream home it will be in the middle of the forest and I will have to be flown in by helicopter! Now I really like the slower pace of life there in Lincoln but I have no desire to live where you have to fly in!! It is amazing to watch the kids entertain themselves, they are not afraid of anything which was evident from all the bumps and bruises and bites! Shawn is growing a garden for the first time and it is producing 20-30 cucumbers every morning! She has tomatoes big as the palm of a grown man's hand, delicious sweetcorn,green beans and carrots. We ate fresh all weekend oh so good! I miss the days when I could go out each morning to see what new thing has grown in my garden. Growing a garden is kinda like life so I have concluded we have a new day to open up and see what God has growing for us and it is always good. Some days though you wake up and there are bugs in the garden and things are dying, so it is with life. Some days you wake up and your world is turned upside down you are sick, or someone in your family is ill, you or someone close to you is handed a pink slip at work and now has no job. I could be that some tragedy is about to happen or has while you were sleeping or getting your day started. How we handle these bugs shows a lot about our character and where we turn for help in our efforts to make life healthy again. I have been thinking a lot about this lately and wonder do I turn to the maker and author of my life as often as I should? How often do I try to clean out the bugs or try to make things better on my own? More and more I see that I can not do it alone and even more important I do not have to!! How great is that? I was really dreading coming home to an empty house last night but something happened, which I will not go into, that reminded me that it is not empty and I am not alone. How about you? Do you lean on the maker and author of your life enough?
On a lighter note I did deposit my first $10 in my savings last week so I am on my way to saving for something I really want or to be prepared for the unexpected.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I really enjoyed reading about your holiday weekend with family, the FRESH garden fare, the woods -(Jim and I DO want to live so far out in the boonies they would HAVE to helicopter us in LOL) and especially enjoyed reading about who you turn to when the "bugs" show up in your life!

Thanks for posting!!!