No pictures tonight just thoughts. Last night I asked you to think about a question tonight I will give you my take on it. I have been working on this for several days, wanting to say something but would end up crying each time so I would put the pen down and then pick it up later as more words flooded my mind.
It is no secret to most of you what my life has been like for the last 3 years but I want to take you somewhere that maybe you have never been. Glen and I met in March 2001, both coming from bitter divorces and neither one wanting to get into a serious relationship much less get married again! But at the pushing of mutual friends he called and we talked, then I called and we talked, then I called and we went out. The first time we saw each other we knew that we loved each other, yes it was LOVE at first sight! and we were together almost everyday till he went to be with Jesus. Life was good we didn't fight, didn't have much financially but we had each other. We both gained a new family and Glen became an instant grandpa!! Then we got a big HARLEY DAVIDSON ( that's a story all it's own) and gained even more family by joining the
WWV HOG chapter, such good times riding, being free from the stuff around us-just being and having fun. The bike was therapy for Glen when he got on that bike and I got on behind him I could watch the stress just melt from his face it was wonderful watching him just let go and relax.( he always positioned his mirror to see me not the road!) Then we visited a new church and soon made
FFC our new home church and gained another wonderful family. Glen got to go back to working in the
Masonry industry a job that he loved and life was good. But life began to get a little tough when
tragedy began to creep into our lives beginning with the loss of a good friend Smitty then my Aunt Joan both taken by cancer. Things smoothed out for a while then
tragedy raised it's ugly head again when someone ran a stop sign and killed Eddie,Glen's dad. We had to place his mother in a nursing home which was oh so hard on her and the family. I had knee surgery and gave up a good job with good
benefits to have the opportunity to work in a christian school, how cool is that?! Life was good again for a while. Our youngest daughter finally got married, Thanksgiving came and was a wonderful family time, then Christmas but for some reason this Christmas we did not get a
Mangas family picture, how strange because we have made this a tradition ever since my dad died. ( this is a mistake we all regret) Then I fell and dislocated both shoulders and got a black eye, first one I ever had. I scared Glen and the
grand kids to death, I think that may have been the quietest they have ever been and one of the fastest times I ever saw Glen move!! My nephew got engaged so we went to my brother's to celebrate but my brother was sick very very sick and we finally call for an ambulance. I have seen Bobby sick but never like this, we are now heading to Indy, us in the car and Bobby in a med
evac helicopter, something he wanted to do he is flying but doesn't know it. Not sure but I think some of the people in the waiting room think that maybe he and I were in the same accident my eye is getting blacker and my arm is really hurting, but my heart hurts worse because we are loosing my brother to a brain
hemorrhage. I don't know for sure how many days we were at Methodist hospital but we each said our goodbyes, this is the first time I have ever watched someone die.Then just one month later we suddenly loose a friend in an accident and again we are sharing the pain with family and friends. Then one month later Pastor Kris comes to the school, I will never forget the look on his and Todd's face, I never
dreams that the news they carried was for me. I heard the sirens at 6:15 am March 2,2008, I drove through the icy water thinking to myself I hope every one is careful coming through here. Now that stretch of road has a whole
different feel to it. Three months, 3 precious souls gone, Life Changes so Fast.
I tell you this journey because there is a common thread running through it-everyone of these people tried to prepare us, they tried to tell us that they were leaving. Somehow I think that we will know when our time is near. I know that Eddie, Bobby and Glen did because they shared with us. Eddie and his 3 children all shared time in his last days talking about things that need talking about, sharing and saying things that needed to be said. Bobby tole his good friend several times that even though they were working out at the Y together he would be the first to see Jesus. Glen and I talked and talked about stuff and he was securing our loans and things making sure that I would be taken care of, he told me he would always take care of me. He seemed to be cramming as much of life as he could in each day.
I don't know where this is going or even why I went here but the pen just keeps moving. Life is so short and only God knows when our last min. has arrived. I am usually running late no matter how early I start, but I know of at least one time that I will arrive on time & that is the day I meet Jesus because I am already ready!! Jesus saw to that and I am so glad he did. How about you,are you ready? If not then please consider getting ready to meet Jesus and be sure you will be on time for the most important day of your life.