Thursday, October 2, 2008


Did anyone see the beautiful sunset tonight? This is 2 Thursdays in a row that I have been followed by one of God's most beautiful creations big, big round orange fire ball of sun. The clouds range from orange to yellow to dark blue to orchid to light blue. The sun itself was like this really clear orange ball. I did not have my camera again but I can tell you that it was a beautiful reminder of our savior and one day we will all be riding off into that beautiful sunset. I will be on the Harley how will you be traveling?!?!


Nathan said...

Sounds beautiful. Too bad I missed it!

I'm not sure how I 'd like to "ride off." Good question! I'll be thinking about that!

Unknown said...

I don't know how I will ride off, but I think my mom would say, "On the Wings of a Dove."