Thursday, October 30, 2008

Okay God I get the Message!!

I have been sharing with you about my lessons on Trust and today more are coming my way soon as I got up this morning I was hit!!! I set my alarm for 5am, it is tuned to JOY FM I fade in and out for the first hour listening to the praises of the Lord it helps start my day on the right foot. Somewhere around 6 Naomi has the verse of the day and today it is Psalms 27: 14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, Wait patiently for the Lord. Then it is time to read my devotional from the Upper Room the scripture? 2Kings 5: 1-14 talks about a guy named Naaman and that to be healed of Leprosy all he had to do was go to the Jordan river and dip himself 7 times, but he was so upset because he wanted the prophet to wave a magic hand over him. When he finally trusted he was healed. The thought for the day "God is worth trusting!" The last thing that has come up so far is my birthverse, there is this cool website that Naomi was talking about this morning and so I went to look up mine it is Hebrews 12:2 and this is what it says; Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
When God sets his sites on you there is not much you can do to avoid him, especially if you are seeking to be the best daughter ever. There is something that I really want to happen but now I am seeing that it will only happen when I give complete trust to my Lord and Savior. My personel verse Jeremiah 29: 11 "I have a plan for you" Lord help me to wait and trust you for your perfect plan for my life. I want to rush ahead and do it my way cause I wanted it yesterday, but you know best and I am trying my best to trust you alone.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Learning to Trust

I like to read, and I read a lot of different things including online devotionals. One thing that God has been trying to get me to do is trust him. In these last 2 1/2 years he has really been working on me starting with knee surgery,then quiting a good stable job, to volunteering at a christian school, to actually working for pay at the school, loosing the love of my life, back to only volunteer status with unemployment. Then unemployment runs out and what did he do? He handed me a job in a church just 5 blocks away, then allowed me to do a stupid thing like break a toe and tear ligiments, having to have surgery and now back to work. I say all of this to let you know that I could have done one of 2 things either give up or trust him. Fortunately however weak it is at times I have learned to trust God, I just read this devotional and wanted to share it with you
.Understanding God's WaysDay 195"Understanding the ways of God with my little finite mind would be like a little corpuscle in my big toe trying to figure what I'm thinking in my mind," said Dr. Bill Bright. "I can trust Him; I don't have to understand." Why do humans feel the need to understand and to be in control of everything that happens in their lives? This reaction may be human nature, but that does not make it right. At the beginning of time, man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). But man was tempted by Satan to sin and failed the test. Since that time humans have continued to be tempted and to fall. This is our sin nature. All people are born sinners; we are born to want to take control and have the upper hand in our lives. But we are doomed to failure. This is why Christ came as the God/man to earth. He came to live, die, and rise again as payment for the sins of all people for all time. Only a sovereign God could possibly do such a thing and be successful! If you believe this about Christ and surrender your life to Him, you will receive the benefits of His work of salvation. You do not need to fully understand Him, just believe in Him and trust Him in all things."But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)."Christ died for our sins. . . . he was buried, . . . he was raised on the third day. . . . He appeared to more than five hundred [witnesses]" (1 Corinthians 15:3-6)."I will put my trust in him" (Hebrews 2:13).God, You are good, and I trust You in all things. Amen.
Isn't it awesome-we don't have to understand, just believe and trust!! I want to understand but I don't have to, just believe he has it all under controll. What a relief!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There are a few of you that worry about me learning to do new things especially with tools and ladders. When I made the comment this week that I was going to climb the ladder and put up the curtains there was panic and comments like Don't get up on that ladder with your foot. Well
just want you to know that even though I did lean heavily on the ladder and occasionally forgot and stood on my toes I did get the rod up yes it fell twice till I got it right but it is up and I once again have conquered my fear of not being able to do something. Soon very soon I am going to tackle the garage and learn to use the power saw!!

Where is God when I need him??

Ever ask that question? I have almost daily I want him to take me by the shoulders and look me in the eyes and say"Brenda this is exactly what I want you to do. Don't try to alter it just do it!" Today while I was reading my emails this one came across and it makes me think.

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Walk by Faith, Trusting God
Day 193

"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7 NASB).

You are called to walk by faith, especially when there are unanswered questions in your heart. You are to trust God, even when you do not have the explanations you feel you need.

Dr. Joseph Stowell says: "If you look at your problem and then look at God, you always end up throwing stones at God for the problem. If you look at God first and look at your problems through Him, through His sovereignty—that He is in control of everything, that He has permitted this in your life for a reason, that He is a just God, that He will settle the score for you—you will see that He is an all-powerful God who can turn this situation to that which is good and right.

"So the way to avoid the vulnerability of these nagging questions that distance you from God and make you liable for Satan's attack in the midst of your despair is to really focus on what you know to be true about God and to live in the exclamation point of that truth, not in the question marks of what you don't know about your problem."

Faithful God, I must look at You first. Teach me about Your goodness and sovereignty. Teach me to see the big picture and not just the pebbles of my unanswered questions. Lord, I'm willing to try. Amen

Yes Lord I am trying to look at you first, but you made me human and sometimes it is so hard because I want my answers now not tomorrow, or next week or next year but now. Help me to slow down and listen,( but oh please don't make me have more surgery or broken bones!)
On a lighter note I went back to work yesterday and it really felt good to be back out with the public. The day was chaotic,My boss wasn't there, my internet is down, I would have known my boss wasn't coming in if my internet had been working, I couldn't find needed papers from the last 2 weeks, the accountant wanted tax papers for payroll that I didn't have the foggiest idea what he was wanting and on and on but hey the time went fast and I survived!! I really love the Life of Brenda no matter how crazy it is!!! Yes and I got pictures of my Michigan babies , I would show you but can't find where the computer downloaded them! Here we go again! See ya next time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Upbeat day!!

Yesterday was just such a great day! It was a pretty day and I got to spend it with some really special people namely my mom and 2 of my grandsons. It is always a good time when I get to spend time with my family and I am fortunate to have an awesome mom still living and still getting around as good (even better right now) than me! It is amazing how much my mom is becoming like me!!! Thats my story and I'm stickin to it!!

I got my stitches out yesterday and the incision looks great but I get to wear my wonderful boot for 4 more weeks, good news is I get to go back to work and back to curves. Beth's fella Bud fixed my Jimmy for a fraction of the cost that a dealer would charge me. Thank you Bud!! I picked up the boys after all this and we got to make personel pizzas and had chocolate soy milk. then we played with legos and watched movies a wonderful evening.

My best friend got a good report from a breast biospy which was an answer to prayer.

Even though I had an issue with my checking accounts, ever put the same checks in 2 check books and then write checks? Well let me tell ya it doesn't work!! Then the insurance that I had canceled last month took out a payment this month!!! I still don't have that one straightened out. God is good and he is alive and walking with this lady! There is something else good brewing but that will have to wait for a different time to be revealed!!

My granddaughter turned 12 today Happy Birthday Taylor I love you.

Have a great day all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

God is always here

I read this this morning and boy did it hit me right between the eyes!!!

What to Do With the Whys?
Day 190

"What do you do with the whys?" asks Kay Arthur after her husband committed suicide. She answers, "You have to lay them at the feet of Omniscience and, by faith, leave them there and say, 'If You want to show me why, God, fine. If not, I'm going to cling to who You are and what You promise.' When you're asking why, and you're in the dark, and you don't have any reasons, you are to cling to Him in hope. He is the God of all hope. The thing that you have to realize is you are here for a much larger purpose than you realize."

Hope in God, knowing that your questions may not be answered. Each day make a point to look beyond your situation to the all-knowing God of truth, who will not leave you nor fail you. Learn about His attributes and cling to them in hope. The path of life that you travel is different from what you expected, but He will guide you.

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16).

Lord, I am truly in the dark, and it scares me. In my fear, I lash out wildly. Shine Your light in my heart. Lead me along this new path. Amen.
I have a new way to look at things now and a reminder that " your ways are not my ways"

Last night at bible study we had something awesome happened------ everyone in the group prayed!!! We encouraged each one to just say a one line prayer even let them choose one of the requests to pray for. How wonderful to see each lady realize that all you have to do is just "talk " to God and even greater is that they all prayed more than one line!!! This was probably one of the best times we have had in a long time. It lifted my spirits tremendously, Satin will not keep me down for long at this rate "I am fighting back!!"
Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

just thoughts

I don't want to go to the alter, I don't want to cry in front of everybody, God I can do this without --------okay God you win. This is just a contunuation of the battles that I have been fighting this week and today continued. I have not cried this much in a long time, satin is working overtime on me right now.
I told my child to leave a marriage, that she deserves better. I have never said that before and I am sorry God for telling her this but I believe it to be true and she will never find her way back to you if she stays. I am afraid for her and her children's safety, Lord please please protect them.
My dryer is eating my clothes! Guess I will find a way to hang them to dry.
My TV only has color when it wants not when I want! Oh well who needs color anyway?
My turn signals don't work on my Jimmy. I checked the fuses and that didn't fix the problem. Great no paycheck, got to figure another way.
Now I need 2 new gutters , great still no paycheck!
I am doing one thing right I tithe every check I learned the lesson about 3 years ago what happens when you don't tithe. Guess that is why I am not worried about not having a paycheck right now. God has provided so far why should I doubt him now?!?!?!
As pastor Kris spoke this morning I started counting my blessings; a home, a SUV, a bike, friends, family,church,job,............... the list goes on and on I am truly rich.
Lord show me where you want me to be, show me how to climb out of this valley I am in right now. Show me who I am and who you want me to be.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Shower

Above you see my newest protection and you also see a picture of my shower and then one of my wonderful friend's Mila and Jack Frost. A handicap shower complete with a stool, ledge to put my foot up and a handheld shower head. If you were a clutz like me which one would you prefer right now? Thanks so much guys for allowing me to sit in your shower and allow the hot water to wash away the dirt. Thanks to Jan for giving me a better method of protection,cling wrap and waterproof medical tape, the foot remained dry!
I wondered what God wanted me to take from this episode other than gratitude for such dear friends. His answer is this very simple thought; "Just as the water washed away the dirt and the cling wrap protected your foot so to did the blood of my son which was shed for you washed away your sins and now is protecting you. All I ask is your gratitude and service."
Good nite all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I can't sleep. I hate it when I can't sleep, I was so very tired and didn't feel good so I went to bed early and for about 1-2 hours I drifted in and out of dream land and now here I am it is 11:45 pm and I am wide awake! I have been sleeping a lot this week being, down is boring for me but necessary because I don't know how to stop. I am happiest when I am busy with the grandkids,helping others be it at work or the food pantry or angel food or what ever. I love to give but find it very difficult to receive. I have prided myself for not asking for help in this last 18 months but God is showing me that it is only fair to allow myself to be blessed sometimes too. Today I received food and money, God also allowed for a check I had written to be returned which I was going to use for Christmas but is now used to meet my financial responsibilities. I say all of this because when I opened up my emails tonight the following story appeared and it reminded me of how the children of God are to be and how my church family and my blood family has treated me this past year and especially the last few days.

A holy man was having a conversation> > with the Lord one day and said.> > > > 'Lord, I would like to know what> > Heaven and Hell are like.> > > The Lord led the holy man to two> > doors.> > > > He opened one of the doors and the> > holy man looked in. In the middle of> > the room was a large round table. In> > the middle of the table was a large> > pot of stew, which smelled delicious> > > and made the holy man's mouth water.> > The people sitting around the table> > were thin and sickly. They appeared to be> famished. They were holding> spoons with very long handles that were strapped> to their arms and> > each found it possible to reach into the pot of> stew and take a> > spoonful.> > > > But because the handle was longer> > than their arms, they could not get> > > > the spoons back into their mouths.> > > The holy man shuddered at the sight> > of their misery and suffering.> > > > The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.> > They went to the next room and> > opened the door. It was exactly the> > same as the first one. There was the> > large round table with the large pot> > > > of stew which made the holy man's> > > > mouth water. The people were equipped> > > > with the same long-handled spoons,> > > but here the people were well nourished> > > > and plump, laughing and talking. The holy> > > > man said, 'I don't understand.> > > > It is simple,' said the Lord.> > > > 'It requires but one skill. You see> > they have learned to feed each> > other, while the greedy think only> > of themselves.'> > > > > > When Jesus died on the cross, he was>thinking of you.

Now on the funny side you know with me there has to be something funny going on and this is my wild idea for the week. I needed a shower really bad, you know the sponge bath just doesn't make you feel clean so I deceided to take a shower, but how can I do it without getting the dressing wet? My brain went to work and I entered the bathroom with a roll of aluminum foil, a plastic walmart bag and a whole hand full of rubber bands. I wrap the foot as snugly as possible with the foil, and put some rubberbands around for holding it in place and sealing. Then on goes the plastic bag, making sure there were no holes in it I slipped my foot into it and proceeded to put a ton of rubberbands on to make sure that no water could possibly enter. I gently climbed into the shower ( last thing I wanted was for my mom to find me fallen in the shower without a stitch of clothes on!) and turned on the hot water oh how good it felt! Thing is I just got my hair wet when I realized that my foot had a strange feel to it, Yep you guessed it somehow the water found it's way past all the protection I had used! Well I finished the shower with one foot proped up on the side of the tub real safe let me tell ya! I got my gear off as soon as possible and got the hair dryer out and started trying to blow dry the dressings. I thought I might have succeded but to my dismay walking across the floor I could see that I was leaving a foot print not a good sign. I now have a new dressing , do you think the doctor will notice in another week? We will see. Makes me think that even the best protection is not good enough unless it is excuted by the professionals, and the best professional is God he has provided me with all the protection I need for this life here on earth so why oh why do I try to do things my way? Anyone else in that same boat?!?!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello everyone beautiful feet uh? My Michigan grandkids wanted to see the before and after of my surgery so guess I will share some thoughts with you too.
Do you know how important your big toe is? It keeps you balanced! and when it gets all bent out of shape it really messes things up especially walking barefoot! Not only did I walk on the side of my foot which is making my right hip hurt but I kept getting it caught on things. Put my shoe on and everything was great but take away that support and things go to pot! I was thinking about how this relates to being a Christian and a part of the body of Christ. It takes visuals for me to learn and like I said when God wants to talk to me he has to stop me, sometimes he has to stop parts of the body to give others a chance to work or heal. I see this when churches split up and go their separate ways. I came from a church that split after we left and the damage that was done looked unrepairable but God is taking that split and using it to make 2 stronger churches. Look at what happens when natural disasters occur and then people especially God's children come in and spread his love and compassion. Look at our church and how the love and support of each person that attends supports others and makes us stronger. It takes lots of patience to grow up and strong, and it takes lots of support, just like the shoe supported my foot until it could be fixed the body of Christ could, should and does support it's members while they heal and grow strong again. Way to go FFC!!!! And thanks to who ever you are that chose to bless me today the tears I shed were of a grateful heart, Thank you!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Did anyone see the beautiful sunset tonight? This is 2 Thursdays in a row that I have been followed by one of God's most beautiful creations big, big round orange fire ball of sun. The clouds range from orange to yellow to dark blue to orchid to light blue. The sun itself was like this really clear orange ball. I did not have my camera again but I can tell you that it was a beautiful reminder of our savior and one day we will all be riding off into that beautiful sunset. I will be on the Harley how will you be traveling?!?!