Wednesday, January 7, 2009

weapons of mass destruction!

I'm sick! I didn't know how sick until yesterday when I made an unexpected trip to the office of a doctor I didn't know but I was desperate! I walked in with no voice, coughing and runny nose. I walked out with a mega dose of antibiotics ( 1,ooo mg twice a day!) nose spray and orders to rest. Here we go again me and this rest thing, I have been in bed for 2 days now and am climbing the walls. Against my better judgment I am going back to work tomorrow. I got to thinking about the meds I was given and what the doc told me later that I may develop a rash, a yeast infection, another secondary infection all just to get rid of a serious upper respiratory infection!! Is it worth the risk? Well yes I am sick and I want to feel better so I will risk the other infections to get rid of this one.
Sometimes life is that way too, you have to take risks to move forward, to win the race or get the golden ring. Risk taking is scary you don't know what is out there sometimes you don't know which path to take. Sometimes we make bad choices and then we pay with more problems, sometimes we choose right but have to endure even more pain to achieve the prize but it was worth the pain. So is the decision to follow Jesus there have been times when I wondered if it is worth it but you know what? The reward of eternal life in Heaven, the idea of seeing my dad, grandparents, aunts and uncle, and of course Glen makes it all worth taking the risk. How about you is it worth taking the risk?
By the way my next weapon of mass destruction is the big Clorox bleach bottle!!!!!


Sue said...
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Sue said...

Hope you will soon be well, Brenda. Try and take it as easy as the doctor wants you to!

Yes, the prize will be worth the race...

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. If you need anything just holler.