Saturday, January 3, 2009


Strange title I know but that is what I am doing Preparing. For what? I am not sure but God knows. I am looking at this year very differently than any other, again I don't know why just am. I am starting out with not feeling good, I again have laryngitis, which once I get this I usually carry it for several weeks uck!!!! My chest is so tight it is hard to breath, thankfully I don't have a fever so I don't need the doctor (good thing since I still don't have insurance and I sure can't pay them on what I make!!!!) I think I am going to turn into a Chamomile Tea bag!!
Back to preparing for 2009, I have started reading the book of James for the 3rd or 4th time in preparation for our trip back to New Orleans. Charles challenged us the first year I went to read that book and see if we remained the same inside. I read it and I changed and each time I read it I change again. My desire to help and care for the people gets stronger and even though there are lots of other places I would like to visit on my week's vacation I can't see myself going anywhere but New Orleans. Because of my experiences there I have been able to speak of my faith much easier and have witnessed at times that have really surprised me.
Second I am preparing for Growth Group, God has taken a group of women who need encouragement and courage to be women of God. We are learning how to share and pray out loud. We have learned that we are special and that praying is just talking to our Father and telling him how we feel and what we want. I have learned that it is good to speak out loud even when it is just me. That speaking the desires of my heart seems to make it more real, that God really hears me. I am looking forward to see where this group goes, I would like to see them be more willing to reach out to others who need love, help, encouragement etc. I think God has something special for these women, can't wait to see what!!!
Lastly there is preparation in my personal life, things that I want, things that I would like to change, places that I would like my personal life to go. People that I would like to see return to God and some that I want to find him for the first time. Grandchildren that need guidance in their lives, to make much better choices than they are making right now. The teen years are so hard, do you remember? I sure do.
For the moment I am taking one day at a time really one hour at a time, we will see where I go!


Nathan said...

Praying for you and all these awesome things you are preparing for!

Sue said...

I am excited for you! With a heart like yours, God will be able to use you in a MIGHTY way this year...I am looking forward to seeing where 2009 (and the Lord) leads you!