Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rainy days

I do not like rainy dreary days they do things to me and most of the time it is not good! Days like today play with my emotions, I tend to doubt my choices,my abilities, my confidence,the plans that God says he has for me, I cry a lot and waste a lot of energy hiding how I really feel from everyone but my best friend,( no use trying to hide from her she sees right through me!) I am getting ready for another challenge in my path tonight. Tomorrow we will start "Let's Get Moving!!" I am not really good at exercising and even worse at watching my diet, so why was I chosen for this task? I don't know but there are a couple of others who have offered their help so as a team we will move forward on this project that God has designed. I learned in Perspective class that God works in teams, he also uses what ever we have in our hands to do his work I look at my hands and ask what do I have to work with? All I see is empty hands that are ready to do his work, I can put in a DVD, I can clap and dance to the music this is where I will start. On my last weight loss endeavor we got a Lego block and it says LET GOD I look at it often and sometimes I am successful most of the time I am not.That is where I am right now trying to let go and let God,right now though I think I had better try to get some rest since I keep falling asleep typing this!!!!

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

I will be praying for you! So wish i could be there! Hugs! :)