Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When God is about to reposition your life know that the devil will beg in to attack!
This was the first thing I read on an email today and it really struck me. I have really been struggling with alot of personal stuff lately, then my MI daughter and family have had sickness, surgery and other house problems. Then my granddaughter ran away from home last night causing fear in our hearts, thankfully she is found and is ok. Stress is a part of life today, do you remember being a teenager? I do and even 40+ years ago it wasn't easy. As teenagers we are torn in so many directions, so many choices good and bad, peer pressure, hopes and dreams, people who influence you both good and bad. You are not old enough to be called an adult but too old to be a kid no wonder they are so confused!
As I write this I think of myself and I think I am not that much different as an adult! Being single again adds different kinds of pressuers many of the same ones that teenagers have, we as singles want to be a part of something/someone. We want to be loved and cherished, to be liked by everyone. We too have all kinds of choices some good and some bad only difference is that we don't have our parents to come bail us out and we really don't want our parents involved! I was reminded again last night that we have someone who can help if we ask, within minuets after I got myself and friends together to pray she was found and was safe. I do not know where it will go from here but I do know that God is in it and when I do not know what to say he hears my heart.

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