Monday, March 2, 2009


I looked up the meaning of a friend tonight this is what Funk & Wagnalls has to say about friends: One who is personally well known by oneself and whom one has warm regards or affection; intimate. One who belongs to the same nation,party oneself;also one with whom one is united in the same purpose, cause.
Tonight I experienced true friendship the kind that is deep and united. Several of my friends banded together in prayer for me then took turns keeping me busy. People who care to be the shoulder to cry on, who lifted me up to our father in prayer for strength and comfort. Proverbs 13:20 talks about who your friends are say much about you Proverbs 17:17 says" A friend is always loyal and a brother is born to help in time of need"NLT I am so thankful for my friends some new and some who have been there for as long as I can remember. I wonder how people who don't have friends cope with, get through or survive the difficult times in their lives. Who do they turn to for comfort? I know the answers to some of those questions and if it would not be for my friendship with a loving GOD and the people here on earth he has put into my life I too could be on the wrong side of the tracks.I just want to say thank you for banding together for a common cause and I will be there for you too just say the words and I will be there.

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