When did hanging curtains become so complicated!?!?! I remember when all it took was a hammer and a nail to get the rods up and they were simple rods just plain white rods. Today I went to Wal Mart to get some rods to hang my new curtains, the choices were endless but the choices for my window was limited so I could not get the "fancy " rods I wanted so I settled for the plain white rods. I was so excited I got my hammer and stool and tore open the package! What is this? Screws!!! oh great- not to be detoured I went and got Glen's battery operated drill. Now mind you I just learned how to use this thing a few month ago so I really have Idea what I was doing! The last time I used it the proper bit already in it but this time no bit was inserted so here I go. Wait a min. where did it go? Oh it is way down in that hole, ok got it out no I remember Roger telling me that you have to hold on to the bit while you turn on the drill so it will tighten. OUCH that hurts!!! Oh it is this other piece that you hold. Well got the bit in and climbed up on the stool went to put my first screw in and oh shute the bit fell out-where did it go?Ok found it and got it in secure this time, Boy this is hard pushing this into the wood but I finally got all 4 screws in. Now there is this bracket thing that goes in the middle of the window to hold this long rod up in the middle ok I will just hammer it in and I can hang the curtains. Not so fast Baby this thing screws in too. Now I remember that I have seen Glen pre drill holes before you try to put in the screw, so now I have to change the bit again and this time I have to put in a drill bit not a screwdriver bit. Great I have it in not so hard I will turn the drill on to make sure it is tight- WHOOOOOOOO where did that bit fly off too!!!!
Ok I found it now lets try this again everything is tight so lets start drilling got my little hole drilled now how do I get it out of the wall? Oh yes there is a reverse on this so ---- yep that works! now I can screw in the support bracket. Done the curtains are hung you will get to see them later as the room progresses I just want to see what they will look like when the room is finished (It's a girl thing guys!)
You know I was thinking as I finished this little task that life is a lot like hanging curtains, there are so many choices, so many tools to choose from and the instructions are always changing and updating. The good thing is that the instructions for life never change they are in the Bible and it is the only book that never changes or updates or adjusts it stays the same. I am so glad that even though my life changes almost daily and I get really confused I can go to the instructions manual and even talk to the author. The answers are there I just need to read and be patient for the answers to come. When I listen and I mean really listen I can hear God speak, I have learned that to me he speaks many different languages and in many different ways. It may be through a vacation, or remolding, or missing my Jimmy, or even the death of a brother, a friend and a husband but he is speaking and I am learning to listen.