Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saying Goodbye

I don't know how many of you listen to JOY FM but I wake up to it every morning and today is goodbye day for morning host David Emerson. David started at the radio just 18 months ago and I have been awaken by him almost every day in those 18 months. He has been such a source of inspiration especially since Glen's death so I am having a morning of tears at saying goodbye to someone that I have never met personally but who, in his infinite wisdom God has placed in my life at just the right time. I want each of you to know that you are all definitely in my life because God wants you here and I love each and everyone of you in a special way. I am glad that you are walking this path with me and giving me courage.
Well enough of this tears the day is on and who knows what is out there today?!?! I am on my way to find out have a great day everyone!!


Mommy pfohl said...

Brenda- Your life is a blessing to many as well. I know that God has placed you in our lives just at the right time too! Thank you for being there for me as well many times over the last year. We still have so much to get to know about each other, but Jeff and I love you so much already! Have a great day Today Girl!!!

Emily said...

yay brenda is here!!!! welcome. love you!!

Sue said...

HI, Brenda!!!

Welcome aboard! It gets wild and crazy here sometimes. LOL

Can't wait to share your insights!

Derek Chalfant said...

Brenda, welcome to the wonderful and crazy world of bloging. I look forward to reading your posts. It is a bummer that David is leaving JOY FM but I applaud him for following where God is leading him. I think you'll find Naomi very entertaining and inspirational as well, I am filling in her spot tomorrow from 3-7 check it out if you can.